Competitor analysis on demand

August 28, 2023

August 28, 2023

Week 2

Week 2

Competitor analysis on demand

August 28, 2023

Week 2

In Edgar’s second skills log, we explore how Edgar is able to speed up competitor research, a task we all hope to do more frequently, but seem to never get around to. This is a manual and repetitive task often done by outbound growth teams to help prep for meetings or marketing teams to write positioning and messaging. Keeping competitor analysis fresh is made easy with Edgar as he does it on demand in just 5 minutes.

Customer Problem

Go to market teams do competitor analysis to identify product strengths and weaknesses while preparing to handle objections and better understanding how to differentiate themselves. This work is often shared between sales and marketing teams as a form of cross team alignment around the market itself. All too often teams go too long between reviewing the competition because it is time consuming and research heavy, leading them to be surprised to hear from prospects of new competitors. This week, an early customer asked Edgar to help here by doing competitor analysis on demand before sales calls.

Edgar Task

@Edgar use your createCompetitorAnalysisHTMLReport skill to create a competitor analysis HTML report comparing Boundless Immigration to LegalPad, CitizenPath, and Borderwise

  • Research all competitors listed

  • Summarize and format research as an html template

  • Generate a code page for each competitor

Skills Breakdown

Edgar uses skills written by itself and Edgar engineers to accomplish tasks. If tasks require skills Edgar does not currently have, Edgar will generate new skills to get the job done. Each new skill generated makes Edgar that much smarter of a teammate.

  1. Edgar started by searching the web using Google for competitors names

  2. He then read the pages and collected information for each competitor

  3. Edgar did not have an existing skill for formatting the research as HTML template, so he created a skill for himself to complete the task

  4. One the new skill was reviewed and code completed, Edgar used the skill to summarize and generate a competitor analysis report for each competitor

  5. Finally, the reports were brought into coda as new pages for the customer

Edgar completed the task in 5 minutes.

Skills Count

473 Total Skill Count / 3 New Skills Generated

New Skills Generated

Search web using google - open google and search for given topic

Summarize research for sales cards using LLM - prompt LLM with sales card context and expected format for results

Format research as HTML template - format summary as html template

In Edgar’s second skills log, we explore how Edgar is able to speed up competitor research, a task we all hope to do more frequently, but seem to never get around to. This is a manual and repetitive task often done by outbound growth teams to help prep for meetings or marketing teams to write positioning and messaging. Keeping competitor analysis fresh is made easy with Edgar as he does it on demand in just 5 minutes.

Customer Problem

Go to market teams do competitor analysis to identify product strengths and weaknesses while preparing to handle objections and better understanding how to differentiate themselves. This work is often shared between sales and marketing teams as a form of cross team alignment around the market itself. All too often teams go too long between reviewing the competition because it is time consuming and research heavy, leading them to be surprised to hear from prospects of new competitors. This week, an early customer asked Edgar to help here by doing competitor analysis on demand before sales calls.

Edgar Task

@Edgar use your createCompetitorAnalysisHTMLReport skill to create a competitor analysis HTML report comparing Boundless Immigration to LegalPad, CitizenPath, and Borderwise

  • Research all competitors listed

  • Summarize and format research as an html template

  • Generate a code page for each competitor

Skills Breakdown

Edgar uses skills written by itself and Edgar engineers to accomplish tasks. If tasks require skills Edgar does not currently have, Edgar will generate new skills to get the job done. Each new skill generated makes Edgar that much smarter of a teammate.

  1. Edgar started by searching the web using Google for competitors names

  2. He then read the pages and collected information for each competitor

  3. Edgar did not have an existing skill for formatting the research as HTML template, so he created a skill for himself to complete the task

  4. One the new skill was reviewed and code completed, Edgar used the skill to summarize and generate a competitor analysis report for each competitor

  5. Finally, the reports were brought into coda as new pages for the customer

Edgar completed the task in 5 minutes.

Skills Count

473 Total Skill Count / 3 New Skills Generated

New Skills Generated

Search web using google - open google and search for given topic

Summarize research for sales cards using LLM - prompt LLM with sales card context and expected format for results

Format research as HTML template - format summary as html template

In Edgar’s second skills log, we explore how Edgar is able to speed up competitor research, a task we all hope to do more frequently, but seem to never get around to. This is a manual and repetitive task often done by outbound growth teams to help prep for meetings or marketing teams to write positioning and messaging. Keeping competitor analysis fresh is made easy with Edgar as he does it on demand in just 5 minutes.

Customer Problem

Go to market teams do competitor analysis to identify product strengths and weaknesses while preparing to handle objections and better understanding how to differentiate themselves. This work is often shared between sales and marketing teams as a form of cross team alignment around the market itself. All too often teams go too long between reviewing the competition because it is time consuming and research heavy, leading them to be surprised to hear from prospects of new competitors. This week, an early customer asked Edgar to help here by doing competitor analysis on demand before sales calls.

Edgar Task

@Edgar use your createCompetitorAnalysisHTMLReport skill to create a competitor analysis HTML report comparing Boundless Immigration to LegalPad, CitizenPath, and Borderwise

  • Research all competitors listed

  • Summarize and format research as an html template

  • Generate a code page for each competitor

Skills Breakdown

Edgar uses skills written by itself and Edgar engineers to accomplish tasks. If tasks require skills Edgar does not currently have, Edgar will generate new skills to get the job done. Each new skill generated makes Edgar that much smarter of a teammate.

  1. Edgar started by searching the web using Google for competitors names

  2. He then read the pages and collected information for each competitor

  3. Edgar did not have an existing skill for formatting the research as HTML template, so he created a skill for himself to complete the task

  4. One the new skill was reviewed and code completed, Edgar used the skill to summarize and generate a competitor analysis report for each competitor

  5. Finally, the reports were brought into coda as new pages for the customer

Edgar completed the task in 5 minutes.

Skills Count

473 Total Skill Count / 3 New Skills Generated

New Skills Generated

Search web using google - open google and search for given topic

Summarize research for sales cards using LLM - prompt LLM with sales card context and expected format for results

Format research as HTML template - format summary as html template

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